Tag: Fancy Financials

Ways To Raise Your Credit Score

If you are looking to raise your credit score, I compiled a list of Ways To raise your Credit Score fast! Ways To SKYROCKET your Credit Score: Make Frequent Payments Make Frequent Payments — make small payments often (micro-payments) throughout the month, To help keep credit card balances down. Making multiple payments throughout the month […]

Things that impact your credit score

Several factors influence your credit score, and understanding them can help you manage and improve your creditworthiness. The exact weight and importance of each factor may vary slightly depending on the credit scoring model, but generally, the following factors play a significant role: Things that impact your credit score: Payment History (35%) This is the […]

Everything You Need to Know About Credit Scores

Here is Everything You Need To Know About Your Credit Score, History, Reports, and More! If you are trying to find ways to increase your credit score or are building it from scratch you should know any changes you make that impact your credit take time to reflect on your credit history report. CREDIT is […]