Let$ Talk About Money!

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Make Money

Learn how to make money online, offline, working from home, or while you roam, 24/7 all the time!

Manage Money

Get tips, tricks, tools and resources to help you manage your money with ease and less stress. Everything including Budget Basics!

Credit 101

Keep track, monitor, and manage your Credit Score to set yourself up for Financial Happiness With Less Stress!

Who am I?

Hi, if we haven’t officially met I’m Blogging Brandi and this is my Money Blog! I am an ex-corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, Born to be a Blogger, Creator, and Entrepreneur. I also LOVE my dogs and RV a lot! Plus, I have a background in Accounting, Investments, and a Finance Degree! So, I kinda, maybe, sorta, might know a thing about money! 😉


  • Make Money: Coaching or Consulting
    Being a coach and consultant to individuals and groups is One of the ways that I’ve made money online and one of my favorite ways to make money online, offline, working from home, or while I roam! I Offer my online programs but I also allow for people to book 1:1 coaching and consulting calls… Read more: Make Money: Coaching or Consulting
  • Budgeting for Families: Tips and Tricks
    Managing a family budget can be challenging, but it’s crucial for ensuring financial stability and meeting everyone’s needs. Here are some tips and tricks to help families create and stick to a budget that works for everyone. Tips For Budgeting 1. Involve the Whole Family Budgeting should be a family affair. Involve your spouse and… Read more: Budgeting for Families: Tips and Tricks
  • Make Money: YouTube
    One way I’ve found to make money online and you can too is by starting a YouTube channel. You can start a YouTube channel, and you can monetize it. Or you can use it to build your brand, sell your products and services, as well as, find other brands that would like for you to… Read more: Make Money: YouTube

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