Make Money: YouTube

One way I’ve found to make money online and you can too is by starting a YouTube channel. You can start a YouTube channel, and you can monetize it. Or you can use it to build your brand, sell your products and services, as well as, find other brands that would like for you to feature their products and services!

So YES after you acquire enough watch time and subscribers you can make money by allowing ads to be displayed on your YouTube content. AND then you have other options like SUPER FANS who can sign up to get more of you and special access to you then pay a monthly subscription. (I DO NOT DO THIS)

It does take a while to actually build an audience and monetize it, but I use YouTube for different reasons. So did not start out looking to have a mass following on social media, although one of my YouTube channels @RVersity does have over 5,000 subscribers and growing. Plus, over 700,000 views!

But, I’ve had several YouTube channels over the year and it’s really not about thousands and thousands of subscribers unless you’re trying to use YouTube as an entertainer and make a bunch of ad money off of it.

I use YouTube to create awareness about my brand and sell my products and services and kind of how I say, “I’m a coach you can book a call with me” and “I have an online program you can take” or “I have created these products and services and you can go below this video in the description and find a link to all of those in “my store” aka shop. That is another way that I use YouTube or I’ll tell people to go to a “download” or go to my “RV masterclass” — so I will get them off of the YouTube platform.

For example: I created my “BLBABoss YouTube Channel” which is all tailored to Business, Branding, Entrepreneurship, etc… it also went along with the content of my book “How To Brand Like A Boss”

And I also have my OLD original VERY FIRST YouTube Channel for “Bloggin Brandi

I use YouTube to answer questions that people are looking for answers to and provide solutions to their problems. I use YouTube so that people are SEARCHING for me! Similar to you might have found me, by watching one of my videos or stumbling across one of my blog posts.

I post topics people are searching for i.e. “50 Online business ideas” or “How To Prepare for RV Life

So I use YouTube as an entrepreneur to promote my own products and services, build a fan base and awareness about my brand! I get people to Leave OFF of YouTube and go to my website, subscribe to my newsletter aka my email list, join my facebook group, etc…

And then there is another option if you don’t want to use YouTube or want a different way to connect with your fans NOT just by video… which is Patreon.


Don’t forget to follow @FancyFinancials on Social Media via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Subscribe on YouTube! Plus, sign up to get the Fancy Financials Newsletter sent straight to your inbox!

About Me:

Hi, if we haven’t officially met I’m Blogging Brandi and this is my Money Blog! I am an ex-corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, Born to be a Blogger, Creator, and Entrepreneur. I also LOVE my dogs and RV a lot! Plus, I have a background in Accounting, Investments, and a Finance Degree! So, I kinda, maybe, sorta, might know a thing about money! Check out the About Page for all the details! 😉

P.S. Got Questions? I’ve got answers reach out via [email protected] (or using the form on my Contact Page).

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